EPB to provide internet for Hamilton County Schools

Students and families who qualify for free or reduced price lunches will also get 100Mbps of service at no cost.

Students in Hamilton County Schools who receive free or reduced price lunches will soon receive free high-speed internet at no cost to their families. This initiative, called HCS EdConnect, was announced at a news conference on Wednesday, at a critical juncture when schools are deciding whether to hold in-person or remote learning amid a growing global pandemic.

According to Chattanooga Mayor Andy Berke, the city is the first in the country to "bridge the digital divide" in education by providing free internet to all students in need. Internet connectivity has been a key issue for educators who don't want technological issues to further achievement gaps for disadvantaged students.

In 2020, if it wasn’t obvious before, it’s more apparent than ever: High-speed broadband is a baseline need for American families.
— Andy Berke, Mayor of Chattanooga

Those who participate in the new program will receive a router installed in their home that would provide at least 100 Mbps of internet service with no data caps. There will be no filters on content on the internet connection itself, although the district has filters on devices that it provides to students.

Excerpted from the Chattanooga Times Free Press, July 29, 2020.