Times Free Press

New study looks at ways to help traffic flow more freely through Chattanooga region's 'freight alley'

While the Chattanooga area has a reputation as "freight alley" due to its key trucking sector, a new study will look at how to make traffic flow more freely in the future.

Chattanooga's I-75/I-24 interchange gets an 'F' for congestion

The Interstate 75/Interstate 24 interchange in Chattanooga has received an "F" from the state in terms of traffic congestion. But despite plans to spend $132.5 million in an improvement project now underway, the state expects the interchange's congestion score to only rise to a "D" by 2040.

Tennessee ranks among best in U.S. for bridge quality

On April 1, 1989, the Hatchie Bridge in Tipton County, Tennessee, collapsed from the pressure of the shifting river channel, killing eight motorists and sparking an investigation into the state's failure to inspect and correct problems with the bridge a decade earlier.