Join us for the State of Freight: Sparking a dialogue on electric vehicle infrastructure and the logistics industry. Powered by EPB.
Thrive Regional Partnership invites you to join decision makers and community leaders from across the tri-state, greater Chattanooga region and Freight Alley for the annual State of Freight Forum presented by EPB.
Join us on August 23, 2022 for a conversation about the future of electric vehicle infrastructure across the Thrive region and the impact of electrification on area trucking and logistics industries.
The forum will include a showcase of Thrive's latest transportation and freight research project which seeks to provide decision makers - such as planners, private industry, anchor institutions, and government agencies - with the place-based data they need to ensure our transportation infrastructure is safe, efficient, and sustainable.
Register today to be a part of this exciting event!
Image credit: Nikola