Thrive Regional Partnership

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Thrive Weighs in on Commercial Vehicle Lanes in Georgia

Thrive offers public comment on the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT)’s Major Mobility Investment Program.

Safe and efficient freight movement is vital to economic growth, however, current conditions lead to congested freight corridors, bottlenecks, and limited truck parking. Trends suggest these concerns will only become more significant in the future.

In its public comment, Thrive suggested the adoption of regional strategies across greater lengths of the I-75 corridor to manage freight and infrastructure issues and strengthen economic development.

Additionally, Thrive recommended:

  • Examining the benefits of extending Commercial Vehicle Lanes (CVL) along the I-75 corridor in northwest Georgia,

  • Considering truck parking strategies to enhance safety for truck drivers and motorists,

  • Scenario modeling to enhance multimodal freight transportation,

  • Incorporating broadband infrastructure, where possible, to increase internet access in rural communities, and

  • Partnering with the environmental sector to ensure our infrastructure mitigates impact on the natural environment and is resilient to climate change.

For all of these considerations, Thrive believes that cross-sector, multi-jurisdictional partnerships will be crucial to the success of GDOT’s Major Mobility Investment Program, as a whole, as well as the CVL project, providing vital understanding of operational challenges along the freight system.

Thrive encourages GDOT to actively and intentionally engage the private, public and non-public perspectives throughout the process.